Climate Change Impacts

Climate change is inevitable. With all of the urbanization and industrialization, as well as an increase of economic development it is evident as to why our planet is experience an increase in temperature. In regards to Asia it is predicted that the continent will receive warming similar to the global mean warming of 2.5 degrees celsius. Warming throughout the continent remains relatively constant annually with little seasonal variation. It is predicted that winter as well as summer precipitation will increase as well as evidence towards a likely increase in tropical cyclone intensity will occur however less consistency about how the occurrence will change.

These climate changes will cause many impacts worldwide, in particular to Asia, glacier melt from the Himalayas is projected to increase flooding, rock avalanches, and affect water resources. Freshwater availability will become scarce and will threaten substance development of the many developing countries continent wide. Crop yields could see an increase of up to 20% in East and South-East Asia, and potentially lose up to 30% in Central and South Asia. This will increase the risk of hunger as well as endemic morbidity and mortality due to diarrheal disease brought on by the predicted increase of droughts and floods.

Asian Poverty

This photo is from: Here

Increased riverine, coastal and urban flooding due to changes in the hydrological cycle and global warming will leave the continent vulnerable to damaged infrastructure, livelihoods, and settlements. Extreme precipitation, damaging cyclone, and an increase in sea level have already taken they’re toll on the Philippines this last year after Haiyan swept through the country. Asia is also projected to experience an increase of heat mortality due to the warming trend and extreme temperatures brought on by global warming. Because of the extreme temperatures the continent also faces an increase of drought and floods as mentioned early, which could lead to malnutrition.


(Satellite image of category 5 tropical cyclone Haiyan. This photo is from: Here)

So what can be expected of Asia in the years to come due to climate change? Warming trends and increasing temperature extremes as well as an increase of precipitation will potentially cause water scarcity due to an increase water demand and poor management. Food production and security will vary due to droughts and flooding, as well as a decrease in productivity. As observed terrestrial systems have adapted to the recent changes in climate through migration, etc. A continuation of stress cause by increasing urbanization, industrialization, and economic development. And an overall impact on human health, security, livelihoods, and poverty throughout Asia.

Being that I am half filipino and a lot of my family live in the Philippines all of these threats, the future of Asia, truly concerns me. Witnessing the devastation of tropical cyclone Haiyan, the intensity of the cyclone and cyclones to come is definitely the most interesting threat to me. With winds of 195 mph, Haiyan was said to be the most powerful tropical cyclone in history to reach land. Global warming will be an ongoing issue I am definitely curious to see how much more intense tropical cyclones will be as well as other natural forces due to climate change.